Amazing Results with Vaser Minimally Invasive Liposuction

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Even though liposuction is a common plastic surgery procedure, we’re always looking for better, safer, quicker, less painful ways to achieve incredible results for our patients. That’s why Vaser is such a natural fit for us and so many of our patients.

What is Vaser?

Vaser is a type of minimally invasive liposuction that uses ultrasound to break up fat tissue while sparing the rest of your body’s cells. That means amazing results with minimal damage to the rest of your surrounding tissue, unlike traditional liposuction.

How many treatments will I need? How long does it take?

Patients will only need a single treatment which typically takes a few hours to complete.

Does Vaser hurt?

Compared to many surgical procedures, Vaser is extremely comfortable. You’ll usually have local or general anaesthesia during your treatment, but most likely won’t need pain medications after you go home.

How long will I have to take off work for Vaser?

Not long at all—most patients will only need to rest for about 12 hours after the procedure, while avoiding strenuous activity for a further 2 to 3 weeks.

How soon will I see Vaser results?

As soon as your procedure is over. Vaser gets both immediate results and continuous, improving results as time goes on and your body heals. Usually, you’ll see your final results 3-4 months after your procedure.

Is Vaser safe?

No surgical procedure is 100% safe for every single person in every single scenario. However, Vaser has a very strong track record and is performed by doctors all over the world. If we didn’t have confidence in Vaser’s safety or ability to get results, we wouldn’t offer it to our patients—period.

Which body areas work best with Vaser?

Vaser is extremely effective for:

  • Chin, neck and jowls
  • Arms
  • Calves, ankles and knees
  • Buttocks, thighs and back
  • Hips, love handles and abs
  • Both female and male breasts

And because Vaser is so minimally invasive, patients can easily treat multiple areas in a single visit.

Will body fat migrate to my procedure site to fill in what I lost from Vaser?

This is a myth. Once your fat cells are gone, they’re gone. Assuming a healthy diet and lifestyle, any weight gain or loss you experience after the procedure should be uniform across your body and not dependent on where and when you had your Vaser treatment.

Is Vaser Lipo a good fit for me?

Vaser is an excellent choice for people who’ve been frustrated by stubborn fat that won’t go away after diet and exercise.

While Vaser isn’t the right choice for everyone, it can be a dream come true for people looking for a quick way to reduce fat with minimal pain and downtime. However, the only way to be sure is to get in touch with your doctor and weigh all of your options.

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